
The rates of cigarettes are going up every year, but to make sure that your habit doesn’t cost you much, you can get cigarettes Online.

Archivos por Etiqueta: Kent cigarettes

Kent Convertibles (Central Europe Made)

Kent cigarettes were created in 1952 by small tobacco manufacturer P. Lorillad Company. Kent cigarettes were the first cigarettes which had a filter to drastically reduce tar and nicotine, and their popularity skyrocketed. In 1954 Kent cigarettes got a new filter and a new slogan: «Kent takes out more nicotine and tars than any other leading cigarette – the difference in protection is priceless.» Since this time, these cigarettes have been market leaders all over the world.

Each Carton contains 10 packs x 20 Cigarettes
1 carton contains 200 cigarettes

Made in: Central Europe

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